Tuesday, January 13, 2009

It is great to hear from you, we miss you Josh and Mandy.... Hope your anniversary was awesome... 2 yrs I can hardy believe that.... time just flies. Tell us how great Park City was. Busy week for me. Another nurse had a mini breakdown(common in hospice) and that makes me more patient rich, but that is okay. I am trying to get inspired by the biggest looser, after all it is that time of year and I lost 22lbs last year, of which I gained 7 back, darn. I just wish eating wasn't such a habit. This week is the twins birthday, that is hard to believe as well. These babies grow up so fast. Macie is 7 months and counting and she has been a very sick baby this week and last. Nearly in the hospital except for a Dr. Daddy and a great Mommy who have cared for her round the clock with her RSV. Tally states she is doing better.. Keep it up little girl. WE love you and we miss all you Californians. Love all you guys, this is so much fun...............Dedi

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