Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Last night we had Jillie sleepover and it went so much better than our last attempt at a sleepover, maybe the 2 1/2 hour time out really got to Brooklyn. We had dinner, a movie, FHE and best of all ICE CREAM!! They stayed up until about 10pm talking but isn't that what you're supposed to do when you're at a sleepover. I'm feeling much better, my wisdom tooth broke through over the weekend and I'm wondering if that had anything to do with why I got so sick...who knows. We're hoping that Macie is on the mend too. Jeff started school today at SLCC and the U, this will be his last semester before he gets into nursing school. We're starting the applications and still praying like crazy that we'll get into the U's program so we can stay in Utah. Love you guys. Hope everyones week is going well.

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