Thursday, January 8, 2009

This is awesome!!! Thanks Burg

Wow, maybe I can acutally get into this blog thing. You all know how wonderfully talented at the computer I am, but I am willing to try. I am so grateful for my great family and the support and help you are to each other, the way you love each other is a wonderful thing. Like Jeremy, Talli and family willing to meet Jeff and Janet to help, how they could in a tough and tired sitution, to make it better and the many acts of kindness we as parents see all the time in all of you. We love each one of you so much and I am so proud to be your Mom and Dedi. At least Jeff and Janet made it back safe. I talked to Noreen Peterson today who told me she and Pete rolled and totalled their car on the way to Portland the day after Christmas, on theor way to see Shelley and family.. I had an interesting call on Tues night from the BYU planning committee for the Women's Conference, who want me to be a speaker at the conference, concerning Hospice and how the end of life of a loved one can pull families together. It was Noreen who told them to ask me.. I have butterflies in my stomach but it should be fun. I love you guys.......Dedi

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